An open letter to the Boca Helping Hands family

November 23, 2010
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An open letter to the Boca Helping Hands family

In the next 24 hours, many will pause to give thanks. I have some suggestions. 

I thank God…

…for the incredible outpouring of community support that brought in over 350 baskets for our annual Basket Brigade. 

…for the anonymous donor who provided 200 turkeys to fill those baskets.

…for Jarden Consumer Solutions and their employees for their labor of love this week.

…for the management team from Wendy’s International who came in on Monday and SAVED us by picking up and processing canned goods from locations all across Boca Raton.

…for the students, faculty and administration of St. Andrews who delivered 150 baskets and turkeys.

…for Mary Wong and the Office Depot Foundation for their donations of baskets and gift cards.

…for Connie, Freddie, Luke, Nathanial and Anastasia who stood out in the hot sun and loaded turkeys and baskets.

 …for Walter, Tim, Marilyn and the Warehouse team who always seem calm no matter how many bins are arriving stuffed with more canned goods.

…for the donors and supporters of BHH who have already made this year’s Annual Campaign our most successful EVER! In just three weeks, we are breaking all previous records!

…for the employees and management of MDVIP for their donation of 70 baskets to the Basket Brigade.

…for the Job Mentors and Resource Center Screeners, who kept their departments moving in the midst of chaos all week long.

…for Jim Scanlon who somehow orchestrates parking 50 cars in spaces meant for 35.

…for the Boca Raton Fire Department who brought over 16 more turkeys yesterday.

…for Suzan, Peggy, Karen, Constanza and Anne who labored long and hard to keep the office moving while I ran around like a lunatic for three days.

…for Doc who kept the kitchen moving smoothly in Bozena’s absence.

…for our Food Recovery volunteers who drive all over town picking up food.

…for the Boca Raton Police Department who picked up and delivered canned goods from local schools.

…for Jo** Sappen**** (I promised her I wouldn’t name her) who quite simply works me and everyone else into the ground. Her work on the Basket Brigade makes it happen. Period! End of Discussion!

…for the kitchen volunteers who helped me move 150 baskets Wednesday morning even though it “wasn’t really their job.”

…for Gary Peters and our entire Board for their witness of dedication and commitment. There is no job too big or too small…they simply do what needs to be done at that point in time.

…and finally, dear God…I thank you for the volunteers….those incredible volunteers who show up day after day, week after week to SERVE. Their zeal humbles me. Lord, you couldn’t be here physically this week…so THEY were Your hands…they were Your Helping Hands in Boca Raton.

My dear friends and colleagues: In the last 48 hours, we have accepted and processed over 10,000 pounds of canned goods, served over 300 people a delicious lunch, and passed out over 350 baskets to needy families. We are exhausted! Our arms, back and shoulders are screaming with pain. But in the immortal words of the elderly woman who walked 10 miles to and from work each day to support the Montgomery Bus Boycott led by Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King: “My feets is tired…but my soul is at rest.”

Rest well my brothers and sisters. You’ve earned it. A blessed Day of Thanksgiving to all. Our “feets may be tired….but our soul is at rest!”

With respect,

James S. Gavrilos: Executive Director                                                               

Boca Helping Hands

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