Project Thanksgiving: Help Feed Families in Need This Holiday Season

November 4, 2021

Thanksgiving is just a few weeks out and while the holidays are typically a time of celebration, for the more than 180,000 residents in Palm Beach County alone who don’t know where their next meal will come from, it can feel more like a struggle.

CBS12 News is hoping to change that through our partnership with the United Way of Palm Beach County. It’s all part of the 31st annual Project Thanksgiving, a joint-mission to help feed the hungry during the holidays.

On Thursday November 4, the partnership ramped up their efforts by hosting a virtual give-a-thon, making it easier than ever for members of the community to donate.

Last year, Project Thanksgiving raised over $40,000, collected over 5,000 pounds of food, and provided gift cards to over 130 nonprofits across Palm Beach County.

The donations not only provide families with a box of food to make a warm Thanksgiving dinner, but the grocery store gift cards allow them the freedom to purchase items to make their holiday feel like their own.

“Even though we give them a set menu, the Project Thanksgiving card allows them to really tailor their meal to meet their family traditions, so we’re very happy we can do that,” said Bill Harper, the Director of Food and Warehouse Operations at Boca Helping Hands.

Boca Helping Hands is just one of the 106 nonprofits registered to receive funds from Project Thanksgiving this year.

For more than two decades, the organization has helped provide food, medical and financial assistance to meet basic human needs as well as offer education, job training and guidance to create self-sufficiency among members of the community.

“Our core business is food, feeding those who are food insecure or those who are living at or below of the poverty level,” Harper added.

He says it’s a need that continues to grow every day. As of right now, more than 2,800 families are already signed up to receive food assistance this Thanksgiving.

“The last six weeks or so, we’ve been very, very busy. People are really in need this time of the year and the over 2,800 families is a record. It beat last year which is kind of scary.”

Thanks to Project Thanksgiving though, Harper says the nonprofit will be able to meet the need.

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