The 561 Face of Training for Independence and Success

December 8, 2023
Tara Keimel

Trina Chin Cheong left the YMCA of Palm Beach County to establish a job training program at Boca Helping Hands, a nonprofit organization best known for helping food-insecure individuals and families. Overseeing the Career Development and Financial Assistance departments for the last nine years, her plate has been full.

“We’ve added 11 different job training programs and many wrap-around support services to help clients gain employment or find better-paying jobs,” says Trina. “We

individually assess each applicant, identifying their need and motivation to complete the program. We cover eligible students’ training costs at accredited schools, pair them with volunteer mentors, help them prepare for certification exams and assist graduates with job searches.”

“It’s a ‘train, certify and employ’ concept,” she says. “Our ultimate objective is to improve their quality of life and build financial sustainability.”

Boca Helping Hands partners with local vocational schools including Palm Beach State College, Atlantic Technical College and ABC Institute, a trade school offering


Trina also oversees the Boca Helping Hands Resource Center, providing short-term financial and childcare assistance while looking for long-term solutions for her clients. Additionally, Trina helps support uninsured

individuals in Palm Beach County by helping them gain access to health care, partnering with Genesis Community Health and FAU Nursing School clinics.

“I believe change is a collective effort, and we must all do our part to lead by example. I live every day thinking, ‘If I could make a difference in just one person’s life, it’s one

step forward."

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