Children's Assistance Program (CAP)

Boca Helping Hands provides limited financial assistance to qualifying Boca Raton, Delray Beach, and Boynton Beach residents in crisis. Clients may receive financial assistance with rent (must have a 3-day notice from landlord), utilities (must have a final notice from FPL and water department; BHH does not cover deposits or reconnect fees), and childcare (through our Children's Assistance Program). Each situation is reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

In accordance with Boca Helping Hands’ financial resource policies, all of the documents listed below must be submitted in order for our staff to assess financial cases for payment. Due to COVID -19, we request that applicants scan all the required documents below as individual documents and email them to Only after all of these details are submitted can we open cases for review. Pending cases with outstanding documents will remain open for a minimum period of 7 days after being submitted, after which they will be considered closed if any outstanding documents are not received.

Pearl City Cats photo

Please ensure that your billing zip code matches the billing information for the credit card being used.

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