Leaving a Legacy

August 20, 2021

Our volunteers make significant investments in BHH every day that they give of their time and talents. Making a legacy gift – a future donation, of any size, through your will/estate – is another opportunity to leave a lasting impact.

It can ensure that the values and causes that have been important in your life will continue. 

Mavis Miller, a regular two-day-a-week volunteer with the development team, has contributed nearly 2,075 volunteer hours since she started helping out at BHH more than eight years ago.

“For many years, one of my jobs has been helping to catalog auction items before events like Monopoly and Bowling for Bread,” she said. “So much work goes into raising the funds needed to operate Boca Helping Hands’ programs, and seeing that firsthand inspired me to leave a gift in my will. I want to make sure that BHH continues to

make a difference for those who follow.”

For more information about how you can make a legacy contribution (which could potentially decrease your tax burden), please contact Executive Director Greg Hazle at GregoryHazle@BocaHelpingHands.org. As with any planned gift involving one’s estate, we encourage you to seek the legal advice of an attorney or tax professional.

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