Judy’s journey to BHH is as fascinating as it is inspiring. Before joining us, she worked several jobs, including one on the 82nd floor of the Empire State Building as a receptionist for a prominent law firm. Despite starting without computer skills, Judy’s determination saw her through learning and mastering new technology. "I’m old fashioned about this, but I think that a receptionist makes the first impression, and you need a good receptionist to be able to do that," she says, highlighting the crucial role receptionists play in any organization.
Her commitment and hard work have not gone unnoticed. Judy received the award for Front Desk Volunteer at the BHH Volunteer Appreciation Dinner in 2023, as testament to her invaluable contributions to BHH.
Judy discovered BHH while watching a WPTV segment about a food bank. Inspired by the work being done, she called, applied, and was quickly “hired” as a volunteer. Starting with just one day a week, Judy soon increased her commitment to two days a week, appreciating the flexibility that volunteering at BHH offers.
A Long Island native and a lover of the arts, Judy now lives in Boca Raton with her beloved dog, Lacy. Judy's favorite part of volunteering is being with everyone at BHH. “I’m a talker,” she says, and she loves interacting with clients, volunteers, and staff alike. She describes BHH as a “really fantastic program” and finds fulfillment in feeling that she is “giving something” back to the community.
Judy’s willingness to adapt and learn new things, coupled with her flexibility, make her an exemplary volunteer. Her story is a testament to the impact one person can make and the fulfillment that comes from giving back to the community.
Thank you, Judy, for your unwavering dedication and for being the friendly face that welcomes everyone to Boca Helping Hands!