In the heart of the bustling warehouse at Boca Helping Hands (BHH), Sarah C. stands as a beacon of hope and service, dedicating three days a week to organizing donated food items and spreading kindness. Originally a high school counselor and social worker from Seattle, Sarah's journey to BHH began three years ago when she sought out opportunities to be of service to others in her new community.
For Sarah, BHH seemed like the perfect fit—a chance to give back while meeting like-minded individuals. What started as a search for purpose evolved into a profound commitment to making a difference in the lives of those facing hardship. In the warehouse, Sarah found not only a great crew but also lifelong friends who shared her passion for community and compassion.
As the designated "bread and pastry gal," Sarah takes pride in her role in preventing food waste. Repackaging these items alongside her fellow volunteers not only keeps her busy but also provides a sense of fulfillment and purpose. She sees every moment spent at BHH as a good use of her time, offering both physical exercise and meaningful interactions with others.
Reflecting on her volunteer experience, Sarah has learned that “regardless of background or circumstance, we all share the same needs and desires.” Her advice to newcomers echoes this sentiment: Ccome in with an open mind, as everyone has their own story, and never make assumptions based on appearances.
One of the most interesting parts of Sarah's volunteer work is witnessing the creativity and camaraderie in the kitchen. Seeing her team members come together to transform surplus food into nourishing meals brings her immense joy and reinforces her belief in the power of community.
For Sarah, the true beauty of BHH lies in its people—the dedicated volunteers and staff members who work tirelessly to make a difference in the lives of others. Together, they exemplify the spirit of compassion and generosity, proving that by coming together, we can create positive change and uplift those in need.