Volunteer Spotlight: Fabiola P.

April 22, 2021
Clay Williams

Fabiola is a member of Junior League of Boca Raton (JLBR) and volunteers weekly, helping us assemble our BHH Backpacks, a weekend meals program for elementary school children. JLBR is a long-term valued partner to BHH, supporting a number of our food programs and donating 55-60 hours of their time each month!

One of Fabiola's resolutions this year was to give her time at least once a week, and this volunteer opportunity allows her to do just that! She says, "It is important for me to volunteer consistently because there are many people in need, and it makes me feel thankful to live in this community."

Volunteer Manager Denise Furr says, "They are a delightful and dedicated team, and many of their members volunteer individually as well, which speaks volumes to their level of community involvement and initiative!"

Fabiola says JBLR empowers women to volunteer and serve their community. She feels it's also a great bonding experience with fellow members.

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